Yesterday, Bank of America employees gathered for the third annual “Best of Six Sigma Expo” to celebrate and recognize the teams that completed the best Six Sigma projects in 2004.

“This was how Bank of America praised employees who last year carried out its 15 best ‘Six Sigma’ projects, designed to increase revenue and cut costs at the No. 2 U.S. bank by assets.”

“So far, Six Sigma has helped Bank of America reap about $2 billion in revenue gains and cost savings, said Milton Jones, quality and productivity executive. The goal is to contribute about $1 billion per year toward the company’s revenue growth and expense reduction efforts.”

B of A Praises Workers for Achievements, Times Leader, July 13, 2005

Bank of America is very involved in the Six Sigma community. Attending conferences, sharing best practices, and telling the world about Six Sigma are just a few of their contributions. Last month,Milton Jones gave a presentation during one of the general sessions the ISSSP Leadership Conference and two Bank of America Six Sigma leaders, a Deployment Leader and a Master Black Belt, facilitated a breakout group. In the group we talked about emerging trends in Six Sigma and how companies share best practices within their organizations. Holding these “reward, recognize and share” events on an annual basis wasa common practicerevealed by several of the companies in the group including Raytheon and Seagate.

Hats off to companies that reward and recognize the people behind the projects. This kind of recognition is just plain good business.

Additional Links

Bank of America Second Annual Best of Six Sigma Expo, The State, July 22, 2004

Six Sigma with Energy and Enthusiasm at Cummins, Inc.,, Apr 2005

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