Unfortunately, my road as a blogger for the iSixSigma Blogosphere has come to an end. At this time, my plate has become too full and I must make more time for events in my life of higher priority. Currently, my wife and I are both completing our Master’s Degrees. More recently, we have found out that we are going to be parents for the first time. This, of course, is the most exciting news for us, and at the same time has made our lives extremely busy. As we prepare for the birth of our first child and complete our schooling, we have little time for extra joys in our life. I mention joys because writing this blog has been such an extremely exciting opportunity for me, and I am very disappointed to have to give it up. I have enjoyed writing about my experiences with Lean in health care, and I have enjoyed reading all the feedback I have received from my blogs. I have connected with many other great professionals, and I hope to maintain that network (we will never know all there is to know about Lean in health care if we go it alone). However, all great things must come to an end. For any of you that wish to keep in contact with me, please feel free to utilize the email address listed in my profile (and below).
I look forward to perhaps being able to write about Lean in health care in the future.
Thanks to you all!!!
[email protected]