Category: Games
Lean Lego Game: Get Your Team Understanding Lean Principles While Having Fun
Published:One of the best ways to introduce people to new concepts is through a hands-on, team experience. Better yet, a game! Dig out some Legos and let the Lean Lego Game begin!
Read more »The Change Game: Engaging Exercises to Teach Change
Published:Successful initial implementation and ongoing maintenance of process improvements requires overcoming the resistance to change. Green Belts are change agents who need to recognize, understand, and interpret resistance to change and develop skills to manage it effectively. Managing change resistance is often covered in training, yet a primary learning issue facing most organizations […]
Read more »An Improved Marshmallow Challenge
Published:The Marshmallow Challenge can be used as more than a basic team-building exercise. Multiple rounds with changing rules increase the continuous improvement learnings.
Read more »What’s the Best Way to Teach Lean to Adults? Play with Legos
Published:PowerPoints, spreadsheets and lectures don’t grab an audience for long. After 30 minutes, you’ve lost the attention of 25 percent of your attendees. A Lego competition teaches Lean and engages your audience.
Read more »The Beer Distribution Game
Published:Drinking beer can be fun, but you can also use beer as a training tool. Use this beer distribution game simulation for groups as small as four and as large as 60.
Read more »Experiential Learning of Lean Six Sigma with Marbles and Toy Cars
Published:Conducting experiments using marbles and toy cars is a fun way for practitioners to teach students about the use of graphical and analytical tools, and also give them a better understanding of the Six Sigma mantra to “control x, then Y will take care of itself.”
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