Honeywell Chooses GAGEpack EZ to Track 2,000 Gages
For more information, contact:
Beth Savage |
[email protected] |
DECEMBER 1, 2006 – A new release of GAGEpack EZ from PQ Systems, Inc., has helped Honeywell’s Propulsion Systems Enterprise (PSE) manage more than 2,000 gages at the company’s Waterford facility in the United Kingdom.
GAGEpack, a software program that helps manage every aspect of an organization’s measurement devices, offers enhanced email capabilities and a visual catalogue system for gages, to improve capabilities for meeting measurement systems requirements and conforming to standards.
Honeywell Aerospace, headquartered in Phoenix, has more than 4,000 employees worldwide in facilities in Alabama, South Carolina, Ireland, the Czech Republic, and England. Its Waterford plant uses more than 2,000 gages, each requiring regular calibration, with accurate records of those calibrations maintained. In addition, gage links must be made to alignment procedures, operating instructions, and B/P information.
The complexity of such a large scale of measurement systems analysis presents a tall order to those who must keep track of it all. According to Derek Simpson, Associate Metrology Engineer at the Ireland plant, GAGEpack EZ is up to the task.
The company, registered with ISO 9001 and AS 9100, is emphatic about its quality, and promises that “Every function at Honeywell approaches improvement with the same logical method:
- Define the customer’s critical parameters
- Measure how the process performs
- Analyze the causes of problems
- Improve the process to reduce defects and variation
- Control the process to insure continued, improved performance.”
This commitment to improvement is supported by GAGEpack use in the Engines Systems and Services facility, where it is used to record calibration data and results. Gage maintenance records, a key to quality, are provided by GAGEpack, which also offers a way to link to other critical functions as well as to pictorial representations that support easy identification.
PQ Systems, Inc., is a full-service firm that offers software, training, and consulting to help customers improve processes. GAGEpack EZ can be downloaded for a 30-day free trial from PQ Systems’ web site (http://www.pqsystems.com).