ISSISSIPPI Introduces Lean Six Sigma Pirate Training
On-Line Access Makes Training Available in Shipping Lanes Worldwide!
Cape Horn (April 1, 2009) – The International Six Sigma Institute and Secret Society for Influential Professionals of Process Improvement (“ISSISSIPPI”) (pronounced “aye-ss-aye-ss-aye-pp-aye”) today announced the release of its long-awaited “high seas” version of online Lean Six Sigma training. Designed specifically for the pirate community, these newly available updates to ISSISSIPPI’s online Lean Six Sigma course offerings are guaranteed to improve plundering and pillaging.
The pirate community has enthusiastically embraced the new release of these Pirate-style courses. “Ever since treasure-laden ships have plied the bounding main, the pirate community has long clamored for tools to improve the quality and profitability of our hijacking,” commented famous pirate and consultant to ISSISSIPPI, Captain Barnacle Bill. “We have taken special care to assure these courses are both useful to the pirate community, and also sensitive to the special needs of those who have suffered the indignities of being keel-hauled, sunburned or bounced off the plank.”
ISSISSIPPI has embedded multiple innovations within its Pirate courses, and adapted case studies and industry slang into the online offerings, accelerating Pirate understanding and application of the underlying principles. Pirate-specific lessons, such as “Using Box Plots to Find Buried Treasure,” will reduce lead times and variability for all Pirates seeking to recover their lost fortunes. New interactive features include videotaped interviews of actual Pirates explaining how they apply Lean Six Sigma improvement methodologies in their everyday lives. Among the more entertaining videos is the lesson on hypothesis testing, featuring a ditty composed by First Mate Black Bart titled “Yo Ho Ho, If the P is Low You Can Reject the Ho”.
Appearing with Barnacle Bill, peg-legged pirate Ms. Eileen Over elaborated on Capt’n Barnacle’s comments. “Personally, I always struggled with knowing when to use either an XmArrrgh chart or an Aye (individuals) chart,” she confided. “Going through these Pirate courses has made chart selection easier than plundering a foundering brigantine.” Ms. Over also noted that while Web access was less reliable at sea, the online courses, offered through ISSISSIPPI’s strategic partner MoreSteam.com, were a perfect fit for the periods of quiet, inter-pillage down time.
In related developments, ISSISSIPPI also added the “Jolly Roger” belt to its portfolio of Lean Six Sigma belt certifications. As with all ISSISSIPPI certifications, which are conducted by brain scan, all ear-rings and other piercing jewelry must be removed from the head during the scan to assure accurate measurement of capabilities. For more information, visit www.ississippi.org.
The International Six Sigma Institute and Secret Society for Imperious Professionals of Process Improvement (ISSISSIPPI.org) was founded in 2008 by a group of dedicated Lean Six Sigma professionals who are concerned about the current state of certification practices. ISSISSIPPI is dedicated to the application of advanced scientific methods to provide robust, reliable, inexpensive and accessible certification methods to the Lean Six Sigma marketplace.
About MoreSteam.com
MoreSteam.com is the leading global provider of online Lean Six Sigma training and blended learning technology, serving over 1,200 corporate clients and over 20% of the Fortune 500 with a full suite of Lean Six Sigma e-Learning courses, Engine Room® data analysis software, TRACtion® online project tracking software, CrucibleTM online testing, and SigmaSim® online DMAIC simulations and games. MoreSteam.com was launched in the year 2000 in response to the high cost of traditional Six Sigma training and tools. MoreSteam’s mission is to enable people to advance the performance of their organizations by delivering powerful tools for process improvement to the widest possible audience at the lowest price available. More information about online training from MoreSteam.com is available at: www.moresteam.com.