Juran Institute and Thinking Dimensions Group of South Africa Sign Strategic Alliance Agreement
Southbury, CT — November 11, 2005 — A strategic alliance agreement signed by Juran Institute’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Joseph A. De Feo, and Adriaan Du Plessis, Managing Partner of Thinking Dimensions Group (TDG) of South Africa, will make the pioneering resources in change interventions, business strategies, cost improvements, and quality methodologies of both groups available to an even wider range of organizations.
The strategic breakthrough management processes to attain quality leadership developed by Juran Institute for more than two decades will be combined with TDG’s established credentials for successfully transforming organizations with thinking skills that result in new eras of business improvement and renewal.
Mr. Du Plessis said the Thinking Dimensions Group has provided thinking technologies for over 17 years to transform businesses and different individuals in all kinds of industries into a formidable workforce where deep seated pain from competitive pressures required new thinking that led to improvements, renewal and survival.
Mr. De Feo said Juran Institute’s strategic processes for planning, implementing, and sustaining breakthroughs in quality and cost improvements in combination with TDG’s thinking skills for individuals will be another vital dimension for enterprises that need thorough assessments in facing tough international competition.
The Institute’s international headquarters is in Southbury, Connecticut (USA), with operations in Madrid, Spain; Seoul, Korea, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Shanghai, China and Toronto, Canada. Thinking Dimensions Group is part of a global consulting and training network.
For more information, visit www.thinking.co.za and www.juran.com
Juran Institute
555 Heritage Rd., Suite 100
Southbury, CT. 06488
(800) 338-7726
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