The Department of Defense Lean Six Sigma Program Office announced today they will sponsor the third annual Department of Defense (DoD) Performance Symposium June 8-10 at The National Conference Center in Lansdowne, Va.
For more information, contact:
Ginger Chamberlain, DoD Lean Six Sigma Program Office |
703-693-0406 |
[email protected] |
Arlington, Virginia (March 3, 2010) – The Department of Defense Lean Six Sigma Program Office announced today they will sponsor the third annual Department of Defense (DoD) Performance Symposium June 8-10 at The National Conference Center in Lansdowne, Va. The Army, Navy, Marines, and the Air Force are featured participants at the event. Non DoD agencies are also invited to participate and attend.
The Symposium is designed as a forum for all services to share their innovation and successes in performance improvement. Many attendees are responsible for directly impacting their respective services by streamlining or facilitating revolutionary processes that save millions of dollars, make better use of existing resources, or enhance quality of life for service men and women by reducing overtime and creating predictable work schedules. Each Service will have projects on display and attendees will have the opportunity to cast votes for their favorite outstanding performance improvement projects.
“While there have been many success stories, we continue to tap the power of an enterprise-wide approach to strategic change. No matter how successful the efforts have been thus far, these initiatives can only go so far working alone. To achieve sustained, enterprise-wide, breakthrough change we all need to work together and the 2010 Symposium is an excellent opportunity to highlight the exceptional continuous performance improvement efforts of DoD and share how to continue to improve. Our mission is to accelerate change and improve performance so that the warfighter will have the best we can give,” said J.D. Sicilia, director, Lean Six Sigma Program Office.
Registration closes May 25, 2010. To learn more about the conference or to register, contact Ginger Chamberlain, at 703/693-0406 or email [email protected]. The registration website is https://resweb.passkey.com/go/DoDjun2010.
About the Lean Six Sigma Program Office
The LSS Program Office leverages the power of shared interests and coalition building in DoD’s federated governance and power structure. The office has trained over 1000 DoD employees in Lean Six Sigma principles in the first year of existence. The office is actively engaged in Portfolio Management, where Master Black Belts assist DoD Components with selecting and managing projects focused on their strategic plans. The office has been involved in a multitude of projects in areas such as container management in Iraq, acquisition, and Freedom of Information requests.