MoreSteam.com Sets Big Ten Attendance Record — More Than 110,000 Six Sigma Professionals Trained
DECEMBER 12, 2006
– Michigan Stadium – “the Big House” – is one of the most recognizable landmarks in all of college athletics. When the Wolverines play at home, it virtually bulges at its seams with screaming fans decked out in their maize and blue.
But, with its present seating capacity of 107,501, the Big House could not seat all of the Six Sigma professionals that have completed training with MoreSteam.com. Even when the recently approved renovation design is completed, MoreSteam.com would still have a couple thousand people standing on the field. Now, that’s record setting attendance!
MoreSteam.com is the leading global provider of online Lean Six Sigma training and has trained employees from over 1000 global corporations, on every continent except Antarctica, including over 20% of the Fortune 500 companies. In conjunction with its full suite of Lean Six Sigma training courses, MoreSteam.com offers powerful, low cost tools such as Engine Room® data analysis software, TRACtion® online six sigma project tracking software, and CrucibleTM online testing. These integrated solutions provide a ready infrastructure to support Lean Six Sigma deployments within a single business unit or across an enterprise.
About MoreSteam.com
All MoreSteam.com® e-Learning is delivered on-demand in a multi-media format including customized audio tracks, audio slide shows, simulated experiments, interactive practice sessions, quiz modules, course instructor support and virtual discussion with other students. The training can be started or stopped at any time, offering complete scheduling flexibility in a totally self-paced environment.
MoreSteam.com training is also offered through the American Society for Quality, the Project Management Institute, the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business, and The Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business. More information about MoreSteam.com and its product line is available at www.moresteam.com/university and http://www.moresteam.com/traction/. To discuss licensing options, please contact Tim Kelley at (414) 221-9020 or [email protected].