SigmaXL Announces Release of SigmaXL 4.1 Excel Add-in for Statistical and Graphical Analysis
For more information, contact:
Cynthia Cumby |
(416) 236-5877 |
[email protected] |
Toronto – August 16, 2005 – SigmaXL, a leading provider of user friendly Excel Add-ins for Statistical and Graphical analysis, announces the release of SigmaXL Version 4.1. New features include:
- Random Subset. Create a random subset of a worksheet with user specified number of rows. This feature is useful for data collection to ensure a random sample, e.g. given a list of transaction numbers select a random sample of 30 transactions.
- Box-Cox Power Transformation. Apply automatic power transformations to data. This is used to convert non-normal data to normal. The Anderson-Darling normality test is applied to the transformed data so that you can immediately see whether or not the final transformation results in normal data.
- Gage R&R Template: added Variance Components and Percent Contribution to report.
- Attribute Gage R&R Template: added Cohen’s Kappa to report.
- Equal Variance Tests:
- Bartlett’s Test – multiple comparison of variances; used when all groups have normal data.
- Levene’s Test – multiple comparison of variances; used when one or more groups have non-normal data.
- Welch’s ANOVA – multiple comparison of means; equivalent to One-Way ANOVA, but used when the assumption of equal variances is not met.
- Logistic Regression:
- Powerful and user-friendly binary and ordinal logistic regression.
- Use when the response is binary (e.g. 0/1 or Pass/Fail) or ordinal (e.g. survey response 1,2,3,4,5).
- Report includes a calculator to predict the response event probability for a given set of input X values.
- Control Chart Advanced Limit Options. Calculate Control Limits with user specified subgroups or with historical groups. Historical groups will result in split control limits and is especially useful to demonstrate before improvement versus after improvement.
“SigmaXL was designed from the ground up to be a cost-effective, powerful, but easy to use tool that enables users to measure, analyze, improve and control their service, transactional, and manufacturing processes. As an add-in to the already familiar Microsoft Excel, SigmaXL is ideal for Six Sigma training,” said John Noguera, senior partner, SigmaXL.
A free 30-day trial version is available for download from the SigmaXL website at: www.SigmaXL.com.
About SigmaXL
SigmaXL is a leading provider of user friendly Excel Add-ins for Statistical and Graphical analysis. SigmaXL customers include market leaders like American Express Financial, AON, Bechtel, Boeing, Boston University, Cisco, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Fleet Bank, GKN, GlaxoSmithKline, Honda, Honeywell, Intel, Intuit, Johnson & Johnson, Motorola University, Panasonic, PeopleSoft, Pfizer, Raytheon, Rockwell Automation, Sprint, TRW, U.S. Dept. of Labor, and Wyeth. For more information, visit http://www.SigmaXL.com or call (866) 475-2124.