This directory highlights the features, as well as format, language and price specifics, of several statistical analysis software programs.
Diane Tiley, 1-888-SigmaXL, [email protected]
Data is at the heart of Six Sigma. But collecting data alone is not enough – it must be analyzed. Most practitioners turn to statistical analysis software programs to quickly create diagrams, identify trends, run tests and organize data for further analysis. This directory highlights the statistical analysis features, as well as format, language and price specifics, of several programs. Some of the programs offer customization and additional training options. Those considering software purchases should contact providers directly.
Download PDF of Statistical Analysis Software Product Guide
List of Statistical Analysis Software Providers published in the March/April 2010 issue of iSixSigma Magazine:
AcaStat Software 571-333-7248 acastat.com |
Addinsoft 646-399-0974 xlstat.com |
Analyse-it Software Ltd. 44-113-251-2262 analyse-it.com |
Automatic Forecasting Systems 215-675-0652 autobox.com |
ITK 31-40-2940980 spc-itk.com |
Midas+ Statit Solutions Group 541-752-4500 statit.com |
Minitab Inc. 814-238-3280 minitab.com |
MoreSteam.com LLC 614-310-1080 moresteam.com |
NCSS LLC 801-546-0445 ncss.com |
Oracle 800-633-0947 oracle.com/crystalball |
Palisade Corp. 607-277-8000 palisade.com |
PQ Systems Inc. 800-777-3020 pqsystems.com |
ProcessMA processma.com |
R. Fitch Software winstat.com |
SigmaXL 416-236-5877 sigmaxl.com |
SigmaZone.com 321-206-3887 sigmazone.com |
Stat-Ease Inc. 612-378-9449 statease.com |
StatistiXL statistixl.com |
StatPoint Technologies Inc. 540-428-0084 statpoint.com |
StatSoft Inc. 918-749-1119 statsoft.com |
Stephen Computer Services 248-960-3535 datalyzer.com |
VSN International Ltd. 44 1442 450230 vsni.co.uk |
About the guide: Details about the software programs were supplied by the providers in response to a questionnaire sent by iSixSigma Magazine editorial staff; the editors have not reviewed any programs and do not endorse any particular products. Some providers did not submit information in time for inclusion. Please contact [email protected] to be added to the editorial contact list for future guides.