Is the implementation of an Six Sigma program worth the investment is a small business?
Published:In terms of a Six Sigma Deployment and Implementation (SSDI), it is a natural tendency for newcomers to infer huge differences between a small and large business. However, it is quite often the case that several “small businesses” defines a larger corporation. From this perspective, the process for installing Six Sigma does not change (in […]
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Is it recommended to start Six Sigma in a single function, like Sales, temporarily ignoring all other business functions?
Published:Simply stated, the deployment of Six Sigma in a single functional area (to the permanent exclusion of others) will most likely not succeed. Generally speaking, Six Sigma is an “all or nothing” proposition. However, if the overall deployment and implementation plan (for the total organization) calls for a staggered but comprehensive rollout over time, then […]
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How Are Defects and Opportunities Determined for CTQs?
Updated:To begin, recall that a critical-to-quality characteristic (CTQ) is a vital product design feature (e.g., the strength of a material). Naturally, we recognize that the product (per se) does not necessarily have to be a piece of hardware – it can be anything (e.g., a software program, a delivered service, a financial transaction, a social […]
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How can I separate process, product, and machine capability?
Published:Many quality practitioners treat product and process capability as if they were interchangeable concepts. Presumably, this convention has evolved over time due to the naturally strong correlation between the two. However, it would not be my recommendation to view these two concepts in the same light. At the risk of leading a dead horse to […]
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Can You Explain Shifting of 1.5 Sigma in Calculating Sigma Level, Including Physical Meaning of Shifting?
Published:Over time, there has been very fine debate (both positive and negative) surrounding the 1.5 sigma shift. As such, the on-going discussion well serves the need to “keep the idea alive,” so to speak. To this end, I have recently completed a small book on the subject, soon to be available on iSixSigma. The title […]
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What is the best way to develop a CTQ tree?
Published:The best way to develop a CTQ tree is the form of a cause-and-effect matrix. Locate CTQ’s on columns and CTP’s on rows. Each column-row intersect constitutes a “causal opportunity,” the strength of which must be rationally measured or otherwise evaluated.
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Most companies in Europe have not heard of Six Sigma. What is the expected evolution of Six Sigma in Europe?
Published:During the period extending from 1985 to 1995, many executives in the United States said the same thing about Six Sigma – its just a fad and will “blow over” in a couple of years. Well, its still alive and growing – even in Europe and Asia. My personal take on this subject is quite […]
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How should my company investigate Six Sigma and, once decided to move forward, sustain the initiative?
Published:A really good way to begin your journey is to sell top management on the need for a “due diligence” investigation of Six Sigma. Do not try to directly sell Six Sigma – only the “need” for conducting an investigation into the merits of Six Sigma, as well as the supporting practices. Uncovering the various […]
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Can you explain how Six Sigma can apply to reducing invoicing errors and improving payment to suppliers?
Published:I know this may seem somewhat self-evident, but have you considered doing a simple literature review to answer your own question? So much is out there on the Internet – the available information is like water drops in a world-wide rainstorm. At this point in the life cycle of Six Sigma, a great many people […]
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What is the minimum qualification required to be a Six Sigma black belt?
Published:A Black Belt curriculum cannot, by any stretch, be considered to possess the same level of tool mastery as, say, statisticians or quality engineers (CQE). In true self-fulfilling manner, the more certain professionals try to circumscribe the Black Belt role with the notion of tool mastery, the more they form the notion that Black Belts […]
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What is the best way to transfer knowledge from a Black Belt to Green Belts?
Published:Personally, I believe you should consider a “train-the-trainer” program – especially if you have no prior teaching experience. Its one thing to know the material, its quite another to teach it. Believe me, you quickly discover how much you don’t know about a subject when you first start teaching. You will simply be amazed at […]
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I am Quality Auditor and would like to get trained in Six Sigma. Which belt should I pursue?
Published:I would strongly recommend that you do some “personal due diligence” on the Internet. Reference such words as “Six Sigma Training.” Many articles have been written on the support roles of Six Sigma. Past issues of such magazines as “Quality Progress” will have information on the subject. Pick up the phone and call a Six […]
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If a person wants to get a Six Sigma certification is it necessary to get it through a particular organization?
Published:In principle, I am rationally opposed to Black Belt certifications, as are many other business executives. However, I do believe that it is important to document the scope and depth of one’s knowledge in a given field of study. But to the counter of this, we must concede that the position of a Black Belt […]
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What are the key differentiators between an experienced Black Belt and a Master Black Belt?
Published:Plain and simple, the illusive key to the realization of six sigma is knowledge. In today’s economy, the capability to harness and deploy knowledge constitutes an essential form of power. It is a form of power than can develop the momentum for and delivery of quantum change. Knowledge represents a corporation’s greatest source of leverage, […]
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What are the job prospects if I only have Six Sigma training and not certification? What does the CSSBB exam entail?
Published:Please bear in mind that Six Sigma (per se) is not a career. Although certain roles have been well defined (such as Black Belt, Green Belt, Champion, and so on), these positions are not permanent jobs or career positions. They are temporary assignments for those classified as being “high potential.” Having a degree in business […]
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Is it possible for me to learn Six Sigma from home?
Published:Personally, I believe the potential for “learning at home” is awesome these days. I like the look and feel of it because all of the knowledge, information, communication, and analytical resources I need are within arms reach — right in my office. This level of augmentation would be very difficult to consistently provide for in […]
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Our CFO expects more from our projects and finds a gap in sales projects. The CFO would like to see more cost reduction. How can we do that with Six Sigma?
Published:I find it most interesting that you experienced “typical” success in several other areas of the organization, but not within the sales function. Were hard goals not established for this area? Was this area not emphasized during the course of deployment planning? Does this area lack leadership? Should the sales personnel work on improving their […]
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In Minitab on the Poisson plot it plots expected defects versus observed defects. Where do the expected defects come from?
Published:As you likely know, the Poisson distribution is an approximation of the binomial. In general form, the Poisson function is given as Y = (np^r * e^-np)/r!, where n is the number of trials, p is the event probability, and r is the number of event occurrences. By direct substitution, we assert that Y = […]
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The theory of complexity states that creativity balances order and chaos. To maintain creativity in Six Sigma, how can address this balance?
Published:Metaphysically speaking, I cannot (and will not) argue with your assertions. Perhaps the transitional state between order and chaos (i.e., the point of bifurcation) necessarily constitutes a stage for heightened creativity. However, scientifically speaking, I do believe that chaos theory and fractal geometry can be effectively employed to examine the effects of unstable processes on […]
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How can I drive successful Six Sigma projects in sales and marketing?
Published:There is a wide array of stereotypical reasons that potentially explain why people are not willing to “do” six sigma projects. For example, in some situations, there are no incentives to offset the added risk and responsibility. As yet another example, it is well known that a lack of dedicated resources can deter seasoned veterans […]
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My project is to "reduce the attrition rate of employees." How I should go about process mapping this?
Published:As stated in your question, the project is focused on the “attrition rate of employees.” At first glance, this would appear to be a problem – not a process. Given the problematic perspective, we must recognize that “attrition rate” is a critical-to-value characteristic (CTV). As such, it should be known as the dependent variable (primary […]
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How do you determine a good consultant from a bad consultant? What selection criteria should be applied?
Published:The first step to authenticating the legitimacy of a Six Sigma consultant is a thorough investigation of their published credentials. In terms of today’s consultants, so many on the “lower end of the pile” use “upper end spin” to more favorably posture themselves in the eyes of prospective clients, as well as those of the […]
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Why is it so hard to apply Six Sigma to the oil and gas industry?
Published:It is quite interesting that you find Six Sigma to be “very difficult” in terms of application. Typically, such a perspective is fairly common among those who have had limited exposure to or experience with Six Sigma. Either you have convinced yourself that Six Sigma is very difficult (to deploy, implement, and apply), or someone […]
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What are the differences between Lean and Six Sigma, how do their core values intersect, and what tools are common?
Published:In terms of Lean vs. Six Sigma, only time will tell. Although there exists natural points of intersection, there are also points of incompatibility – philosophically and pragmatically speaking. I would strongly suggest that you conduct a literature review into the stated issue so as to properly scale the scope and depth of an answer. […]
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