So here I am in the iSixSigma blogosphere. Let me tell you, it’s big in here! Thanks for dropping in, by the way. Much appreciated.
An important note before we get going – If you’re looking for lengthy articles on the merits of DoE or my hypothesis on topics such as Lean Vs Six Sigma then you need to find another blog. If you’re wanting to hear honest opinion on life as a Black Belt within one of the world’s biggest financial institutions then welcome, get comfortable, grab a coffee and let’s talk.
I know some of you will have read my wee biography and therefore know a wee bit about where I’ve come from. I know many of you out there will see similarities in our stories and paths and many of you, thinking back to when you first became a BB, will understand and recall what it was like to be where I am and where I’ve been. These are the experiences we’re here to talk about.
Consider it the developing screenplay for the future blockbuster ‘Memoirs of a Black Belt’ – one man’s journey through an ever evolving world of data and VoC. You can imagine it can’t you – “Marvel as a lone BB tackles the IT prioritisation stream, gasp as his analysis of the data shows that the gut feel of the business was flawed and feel the joy as the final pilot shows a higher than expected %age reduction in client complaints. It’s Coming Soon – Memoirs of a Black Belt – a movie for the data analyst in all of us”. It’s going to be huge.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to chatting about what it’s really like to be a BB and I look forward to speaking to you all over the coming months and beyond. I encourage your conversation and I can guarantee others want to hear it. How boring is a blog with one contributor? This a blog for all those BBs that joined Six Sigma imagining the James Bond life style of fast cars, sharp suits, glamorous women/men (delete as applicable) and financial security and then suddenly find themselves stuck in dingy hotel rooms transferring post-it note process maps to their laptops at 10 o’clock at night, drinking warm Budweiser and wondering why the one telly channel with anything decent on it won’t work.
I know all of you have thought at one point or another ‘yep that’s me’ and if you have then hang about, say hello and bookmark the page, I’ve only just got started.