Six Sigma Software Plugs MINITAB® into Factory Data inRealTimetm


For more information, contact:

Evan Miller
(574) 533-0571 x111
[email protected]

Goshen, IN (Nov 11, 2005) – As much as 40% of the gains of Six Sigma projects are often lost due to poor implementation in the control phase. While these are unofficial estimates, most Black Belts will agree that their companies are not able to produce clean consistent process data over time without going through great expense and unbudgeted manual labor. This cost stems from:

  • Difficulty entering data automatically from gages or other devices
  • Inability to see real-time control charts and alarms as data is entered
  • Failure to scrub data for consistent spellings, identification numbers, and traceability information as it is entered

As a result, even processes improved by completed Six Sigma projects end up getting out of control, causing customer dissatisfaction and increased costs.

Hertzler Systems Announces inRealTime® Software Wizard

For over 20 years Hertzler Systems (an authorized Minitab affiliate) has been helping companies reduce the hassles and headaches of gathering, cleaning, and analyzing the right data – in real time – saving millions of dollars every day and preventing production problems.

Now, Hertzler has packaged many of those wizards and interfaces into a MINITAB plug in that can relieve the headaches and the hassles of collecting machine process data. inRealTime is the perfect Green Belt tool. Run it from the MINITAB Tools Menu, you’ll be able to automate procedures for:

  • Keyboard/gage data entry
  • Update charts in MINITAB
  • Spot trends, alarm out of control conditions
  • Avoid losing hours of productivity

inRealTime also captures information about unusual problems, and actions taken so managers or people on other shifts can make sure important details don’t go un-recorded. Learn more about inRealTime at the company’s website:, where a free trial download is available.

Hertzler Systems provides seamless, accurate data acquisition solutions that drive business transformation. They have been in this business for over 20 years, with a diverse customer base in service, transactional and manufacturing environments. Hertzler Systems enables clients to connect, collect and analyze data; building a robust data infrastructure for making data-driven decisions. These capabilities help clients to reduce costs, cycle time and errors, and increase profitability. Hertzler’s clients include Boeing Aerospace, BAE Systems, IDEX Corporation, Kraft Foods, McCormick & Company, Inc., Pactiv Corporation, and Titleist & Footjoy Worldwide, just to name a few.

Further information on Hertzler Systems is available on, or call 800-958-2709.

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