Thought Process Map for Six Sigma: What, Why and How
Published:A thought process map, sometimes referred to as a TMAP or TPM, not only helps you begin an improvement project with a comprehensive view, but ensures you stay on track all the way through completion. Learn how to use this powerful visual tool.
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Seeing Opportunity Through 3-DMAIC Glasses
Published:Everything seems to be available in 3-D these days – movies, magazines and even television – so why not DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)? The idea may sound silly, but many opportunities go unnoticed because practitioners do not have the right tools in place to see them from different perspectives. The traditional DMAIC process […]
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Calculating ROI to Realize Project Value
Published:Businesses are in business to make money. But calculating the true value of any project (Lean Six Sigma or otherwise) with respect to its impact on margin has always been challenging, mainly due to the ambiguity of turning notions into dollar values. For instance, it is clear that training employees will improve expertise and productivity, […]
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