Simplify Project Scope with an Includes/Excludes Table
Updated:A project needs to have clear boundaries and parameters that establish its scope. Any tool that can help your team understand and agree as to what is included and what is excluded from your project saves a lot of headaches during project implementation.
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How to Determine and Address Common Cause Variation in Your Business
Updated:Variation and quality are not compatible with each other. The reality, however, is that anytime measurements are taken, there is going to be variation.
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The Role of Multicollinearity in Regression Model Precision
Updated:In your regression model, one thing to look for is multicolinearity. It is a problem and can cause issues when you are interpreting results.
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How Fagan Style Software Inspection Can Benefit Your Business
Updated:There are several ways that companies conduct inspections of their software. One such method is Fagan Style Software Inspection.
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How Secondary Metrics Safeguard Process Improvements
Updated:Secondary metrics consider the overall health of the business. They help ensure that other areas do not slip when pursuing improvement of the primary metric.
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DMAIC: The Five Steps to Process Improvement Success
Updated:DMAIC is a data-driven process-improvement methodology. Let’s look at how DMAIC compares to other problem-solving processes as well as the benefits of using DMAIC when solving a complex problem.
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Understanding X: The Key to Optimizing Your Business Processes
Updated:In business, it is necessary to have a solid understanding of what, exactly, is going into your processes. After all, if you do not know your inputs, how can you expect to be able to keep your output outcome desirable, repeatable, and consistent? Your X’s play a massive role in the outcomes you achieve. In […]
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What Every SS Practitioner Should Know About White Noise
Updated:You may have heard of “white noise” when it comes to signal processing, but this is not the only application for the term. It is also a way to describe data in modeling. When we reference “white noise” in modeling, the “noise” is in reference to there being no set pattern and all variations being […]
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Leveraging Web-Based Technology (WBT)
Updated:If it relies or revolves around the internet, chances are it counts as web-based technology. This concept encompasses a significant vertical and horizontal scope, which means it includes many different kinds of technology, products and services. Overview: What is web-based technology (WBT)? Web-based technology (WBT) is a broad umbrella term that encompasses many different types […]
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Know the Benefits and Drawbacks of Unexplained Variation
Updated:In a regression model, there will be an amount of variation that is unexplained by x, unless r squared equals 100%. When you are working with a regression model, there is a chance that you will encounter an amount of variation that is unexplained. This variation, nevertheless, needs to be accounted for and checked to […]
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Simplifying Complex Systems with Value Stream Mapping
Updated:Gain a better understanding of value stream mapping and how you can use it in your business. We’ll cover the flow, department interactions, bottleneck identification, and key metrics — as well as a few best practices.
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Quality Control Just Got Easier: Learn How to Use U Charts
Updated:A U chart is one of four quality control charts that engineers use to track variation in a manufacturing process. The other three typical quality control charts are the p chart (which plots the proportion of defective items, the c chart (which shows the number of defects), and the np chart (which shows the number […]
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Understanding Team Leaders: Responsibilities and Impact
Updated:In an organization, it is important that there are members of a team to look to when leadership is required. These members may rise to this higher level of responsibility naturally through their skills or personalities, or they may be put in such a position by management.Being a team leader requires more from you than […]
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Understanding Univariate Analysis: The Basics
Updated:A good introduction to dealing with variables in a data set is to start with univariate statistics. The analysis of this type of data is the simplest. When analyzing variables in a data set, you will conduct either multivariate, bivariate, or univariate analysis. This will be dependent on the number of variables and how many […]
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The Importance of Total Probability of Defect in Risk Analysis
Updated:Defects in quality put a severe dent in the potential profits of companies all over the world year after year. Having an understanding of the total probability of defect puts the power in an organization’s hands to make improvements and reduce the chance of its customers receiving faulty products.Knowing the total probability of defect for […]
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Variables: The Key to Process Enhancement in Six Sigma
Updated:Six Sigma without variables is like a recipe without ingredients. Understanding how variables align with Six Sigma is paramount to the success of any business. Learn how variables can highlight your process’ capabilities and limitations. What are Variables in Six Sigma? Variables are essential to Six Sigma. By measuring, analyzing, and controlling the variables that […]
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The Importance of SS Product Reports in Quality Assurance
Updated:An SS product report is a critical document that summarizes the results of the product development process, including quality, reliability, and performance. Understanding SS Product Reports The Six Sigma methodology is a highly effective process improvement approach that has been widely adopted across various industries. It provides a data-driven and customer-focused approach to reduce defects […]
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Understanding Thulla and Its Impact on Team Dynamics
Updated:When workers lack motivation, this can be incredibly frustrating. There can be a temptation to address these frustrations using terms that one has heard elsewhere. Take care to keep criticism constructive, to be very aware of how certain terms are used culturally, and to avoid them if they could be inappropriate. When workers have used […]
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Maximizing the Telecosm: Strategies for Effective Communication
Updated:Do you remember the days of having to get off the internet when your mother had to use the phone? How about waiting to watch a video while an advertisement seems to buffer endlessly? Advancements in the telecosm have made the amount of bandwidth across all mediums feel infinite in comparison to the early days […]
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Sufficiency: Achieving More with Less for Improved Outcomes
Updated:In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations are constantly looking for ways to improve efficiency, cut costs, and optimize their operations. Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that has been widely adopted by companies in various industries to achieve these goals. One of the key concepts in Lean Six Sigma is sufficiency. Overview: what is sufficiency, […]
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The Role of Takt Time in Meeting Customer Demand
Updated:The customer just placed a new order requesting 100 widgets by the end of the week. If we keep producing at our current rate, will our cycle time be able to provide the parts in time? What is the rate we must produce the widgets to meet their deadline? Well, that rate has a name, […]
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Software Inspection Plans: Benefits and Drawbacks
Updated:Software inspection requires thorough examination in order to be sure that it is safe for release. In order to successfully and reliably conduct such an examination, a plan is required. Overview: What is a software inspection plan? A software inspection plan is a formalized process of inspecting software for any issues. The typical steps involved […]
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Standard Deviation: A Key Concept in Inferential Statistics
Updated:More often than not, it’s the variation in a process rather than the central tendency that results in defective products, causes us to not meet customer expectations, or costs real dollars. While there are others, standard deviation is the most common metric for quantifying the variation in a dataset.
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Systems Engineering: Key to Successful Projects
Updated:Over one-third of projects will fail, and two-thirds will only achieve some of their goals. It is estimated that a lack of proper systems engineering is responsible for half of all total project failures. In order to help ensure that your projects do not wind up falling short, it is important to include systems engineering. […]
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