Understanding Univariate Analysis: The Basics


A good introduction to dealing with variables in a data set is to start with univariate statistics. The analysis of this type of data is the simplest. When analyzing variables in a data set, you will conduct either multivariate, bivariate, or univariate analysis. This will be dependent on the number of variables and how many […]

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Defining Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities in Process Improvement


The ability of a process improvement initiative to invoke sustainable change within an organization depends on the support of stakeholders who will execute the proposed changes.

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The Importance of SS Product Reports in Quality Assurance


An SS product report is a critical document that summarizes the results of the product development process, including quality, reliability, and performance. Understanding SS Product Reports The Six Sigma methodology is a highly effective process improvement approach that has been widely adopted across various industries. It provides a data-driven and customer-focused approach to reduce defects […]

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Understanding Thulla and Its Impact on Team Dynamics


When workers lack motivation, this can be incredibly frustrating. There can be a temptation to address these frustrations using terms that one has heard elsewhere. Take care to keep criticism constructive, to be very aware of how certain terms are used culturally, and to avoid them if they could be inappropriate. When workers have used […]

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Variables: The Key to Process Enhancement in Six Sigma


Six Sigma without variables is like a recipe without ingredients. Understanding how variables align with Six Sigma is paramount to the success of any business. Learn how variables can highlight your process’ capabilities and limitations. What are Variables in Six Sigma? Variables are essential to Six Sigma. By measuring, analyzing, and controlling the variables that […]

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Maximizing the Telecosm: Strategies for Effective Communication


Do you remember the days of having to get off the internet when your mother had to use the phone? How about waiting to watch a video while an advertisement seems to buffer endlessly? Advancements in the telecosm have made the amount of bandwidth across all mediums feel infinite in comparison to the early days […]

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Systems Engineering: Key to Successful Projects


Over one-third of projects will fail, and two-thirds will only achieve some of their goals. It is estimated that a lack of proper systems engineering is responsible for half of all total project failures. In order to help ensure that your projects do not wind up falling short, it is important to include systems engineering. […]

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Standard Deviation: A Key Concept in Inferential Statistics


More often than not, it’s the variation in a process rather than the central tendency that results in defective products, causes us to not meet customer expectations, or costs real dollars. While there are others, standard deviation is the most common metric for quantifying the variation in a dataset.

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Effective Project Management with SMART Goals


You need to be SMART when writing the goals for your project charter: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Here’s how the SMART framework can help you write better goal statements.

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The Importance of Identifying Subject Matter in Six Sigma Projects


In order to understand the world of Lean Six Sigma and the terminology that goes along with it, you need to know what subject matter is. It’s important because this is where you can start your project and determine if there are any areas for improvement or if anything needs fixing. By looking at subject […]

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Understanding Supply Chain Management: The Key to Efficient Business Processes


No company is an island. Virtually every business process relies on different types of input, often in the form of physical supplies, that it does not generate internally. The concept of supply chain management (SCM) revolves around controlling and adapting to the way inputs flow into the process and outputs flow out of it. Overview: […]

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Software Inspection Plans: Benefits and Drawbacks


Software inspection requires thorough examination in order to be sure that it is safe for release. In order to successfully and reliably conduct such an examination, a plan is required. Overview: What is a software inspection plan? A software inspection plan is a formalized process of inspecting software for any issues. The typical steps involved […]

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The Role of Takt Time in Meeting Customer Demand


The customer just placed a new order requesting 100 widgets by the end of the week. If we keep producing at our current rate, will our cycle time be able to provide the parts in time? What is the rate we must produce the widgets to meet their deadline? Well, that rate has a name, […]

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Sufficiency: Achieving More with Less for Improved Outcomes


In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations are constantly looking for ways to improve efficiency, cut costs, and optimize their operations. Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that has been widely adopted by companies in various industries to achieve these goals. One of the key concepts in Lean Six Sigma is sufficiency. Overview: what is sufficiency, […]

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Best Practices for Managing Rework in Your Business


Increasing complexity of products and services in combination with the pressure of reduced time to market can increase the probability of non-conformance and the need to perform rework to meet functional requirements. We’ll explain why avoiding rework activities is an all-round winner with some top tips for you to implement it in your business.

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SMARTER: The Comprehensive Goal-Setting Framework for Six Sigma Projects


Setting effective goals is crucial to the success of any project, and this is especially true in Six Sigma. SMARTER is a goal-setting framework that is commonly used in Six Sigma to ensure that project goals are well-defined and achievable. Overview: What is SMARTER The term SMARTER stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound, Evaluated, […]

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Ship Dates: Essential Strategies for Meeting Deadlines and Exceeding Expectations


Ship dates may seem arbitrary, but they can have a major impact on the financial bottom line of your organization as well as how satisfied your customers are. Choosing ship dates that are realistic and that are in sync with when your customers expect products to be delivered is a fundamental part of doing good […]

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Being able to make the right decisions about your products/services can have a major impact on the future of your organization. Having an organization that can make necessary adjustments before the impact is too great is a goal of most companies. Being able to gauge sensitivity across a great number of variables can help make […]

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How Soft Savings Shape Organizational Success


Soft savings are benefits gained from Lean Six Sigma projects that cannot easily be assigned a dollar value. These include things like greater trust, reduced frustration, and increased job satisfaction.  

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The Importance of Robustness in Process Management


The meaning of the word “robust” can shift depending on the context. It can be used to describe an organization that’s grown to a significant size, a person with a lot of natural stamina or the hearty flavor of a gourmet soup. However, in the context of process management, robustness describes the ability of a […]

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The Importance of Robustness in Continuous Improvement


Having good products, processes, or quality control is admirable, but striving for robustness is optimal. Getting your systems, operations, processes, or products up to a level where they are robust should be a goal of every organization that hopes to reach and stay at the Six Sigma level. Overview: What is robust? Robust refers to […]

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Quality Procrastination


Quality improvement takes dedication, time, and resources. With this being the case, many find myriad excuses to hold off on quality improvement efforts until the very end, usually to the detriment of their organization. Being able to offer quality products and services to your customers needs to be a primary focus of your business. When […]

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A Complete Guide to Risk Based Inspection


Inspection of the structures and machinery in manufacturing plants was once done primarily through industry practices that were rooted in health and safety regulations along with prescriptive codes. Unfortunately, this type of inspection did not take into account the risk of failure, environmental conditions, and so forth. A more well-rounded approach to inspection was developed […]

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How Risk Based Maintenance Improves Your Business


Risk based maintenance (RBM) is the result of combining lean management philosophy with conventional risk management. You could also call it “smart maintenance” or “informed maintenance” since it relies heavily on data and planning. It has useful implications in both risk prevention and crisis management. Overview: What is risk based maintenance? Companies that employ a […]

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