Tracking financial metrics, reporting on project status and sharing knowledge more easily are just a few of the benefits of project tracking software. This directory provides information about the capabilities and functionalities of several products.
Tim Kelley, 414-247-1080, [email protected], moresteam.com
Jim Henry, 972-447-8340, [email protected], sigmaflow.com
Six Sigma practitioners use project tracking software to monitor and report the status of their efforts. Products typically feature a dashboard that allows for easy access to the status of particular projects, as well as details on the resulting financial impact. This directory provides information about the capabilities and functionalities of various software options, as well as the training included as part of their implementation packages. One factor not covered here is cost, which usually includes an initial setup fee and a per-set fee for each user; how a product is hosted also may affect price. Those considering purchasing software should contact providers directly.
Download a PDF of the Project Tracking Software Guide.
List of Project Tracking Software Products published in the September/October 2009 issue of iSixSigma Magazine:
Tracker Suite Automation Centre 520-882-9287 acentre.com |
e-Zsigma.net e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. 416-593-8026 e-zsigma.com |
i-nexus i-nexus 44-845-607-0061 i-nexus.com |
EnterpriseTrack 6 Instantis Inc. 408-986-8800 instantis.com |
Quality Companion 3 Minitab Inc. 814-238-3280 minitab.com |
TRACtion MoreSteam.com 614-310-1080 moresteam.com |
PowerSteering Enterprise 7.1 PowerSteering Software Inc. 617-492-0707 powersteeringsoftware.com |
Insights Project Portfolio Management 4.0 SigmaFlow 972-447-8340 sigmaflow.com |
Tenrox Project Workforce Management Software 10 Tenrox 877-483-6769 tenrox.com |
About the guide: Details about the project tracking software programs were supplied by providers in response to a questionnaire sent by iSixSigma Magazine editorial staff; the editors have not reviewed any software and do not endorse any providers or products. Some companies did not submit information in time for inclusion. Please contact [email protected] to be added to the editorial contact list for future guides.