Tag: reliability

B10 Life: Engineering Products for Reliability
Published:As competitive and market pressures increase, having a clear understanding of product reliability, service life, and expected failure rate is crucial. We explore how by utilising B10 life, we can optimise our product development and satisfy our customer requirements.
To Save Cost, Set Product Warranties Based on Quality
Published:Imagine you are the quality manager for a consumer electronics manufacturer. At the previous staff meeting, the CEO asked the management team for ideas that could help the company become more competitive and increase profits. It is now one month later. During the staff meeting, members of the marketing department present some research that shows […]
Building a Sound Data Collection Plan
Published:Black Belts and Six Sigma practitioners who are leading DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) projects should develop a sound data collection plan in order to gather data in the measurement phase. There are several crucial steps that need to be addressed to ensure that the data collection process and measurement systems are stable and […]
A Simple Way to Test Data Without Doing a Gage R&R
Published:In Six Sigma work, practitioners normally are expected to conduct a gage R&R study to verify that that the measurement systems being used are providing measurements free from variations due to repeatability and reproducibility problems. This is usually done in the Measure phase of DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) prior to data analysis so […]
Turning Judgment Calls into Reliable Data with Gage R&R
Published:One of the biggest challenges in making improvements in transactional processes is getting data which can be relied upon. There is an abundance of categorical data in transactional areas โ situations where a judgment call is required: Is something right or wrong? Is the application complete? What type of error was made on the request […]
Ideas for Achieving Higher Reliability in Healthcare
Published:As startling as the 1999 report from the Institute of Medicine was – estimating that medical errors may cause 98,000 deaths annually – a new national study indicates the problem may actually be much worse. According to the report released in July by HealthGrades, a Denver-based healthcare ranking group, the number of hospital patients who […]