What Does a Process Cookbook Look Like?
Published:Each of our hundred of processes required a common format/look for consistency in the creation of our cookbook. We sit down with our Knowledge Management team to discuss what our users should know about a process and we came up with this list: Procedure Name–The identifying name of the procedure that makes a distinction between […]
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Cookbook for Processes
Published:Our help desk decided this semester to start a project where we would create a cookbook of our processes and procedures. This cookbook would be in the form of a manual that would be in print and electronic formats and would serve as a basis for choosing Six Sigma projects and for training our staff […]
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Startup Projects
Published:As the academic year begins our Six Sigma team has met, created a new team charter, and began accumulating a list of projects that we would like to try this year. Our team named “Gravy” (gravy, or Six Sigma, being the goal of the team) fits in our planning objective: “More Six Sigma projects to […]
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Key Performance Indicators in Strategic Planning for Six Sigma
Published:It is very important to understand how to create a good key performance indicator or KPI for Six Sigma.This is also true when you add Six Sigma to your strategic plan, as I have. The KPIs that you develop must first be a goal(s) of your organization, department, etc.These should be agreed upon.Remember, these will […]
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Developing a Thriving Team from Many Skills
Published:Since my staff in my department is entirely composed of students I have many advantages and disadvantages when creating teams and working on projects.The advantages of a student staff include the high turnover rates and those who see their time with us as just another job to kill time and get a paycheck. Some of […]
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A Slow Start…
Published:Six Sigma started in our department slowly.There were many factors that played into this, but mostly staffing issues: 1. I only have a staff of student employees (from 8-16 per year).2. This staff is in a constant state of change.3. Students come with various skills, many with no math or business or technical background.4. Knowledge […]
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Six Sigma in Higher Education
Published:The business of higher education today is just that—a business. It focuses more today on the bottom line and it is important to stay on the competitive edge for all of its customers—from the students and their parents to the faculty, staff, and donors, as well. The business of education also has a greater […]
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