Margin of Error and Confidence Levels: Make the Most of Your Customer Surveys
Published:Do you know how to account for the margin of error in your customer surveys? A survey is a valuable assessment tool in which a sample and information relate to a larger population. Surveying is like tasting a soup, a few spoonfuls tell what the whole pot tastes like. An Example of Margin […]
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Three Simple Questions: How to Focus Your VOC Research
Published:A lot of time can be saved in the planning stages of a survey research project by simply answering three short questions. By the time people from organizations have contacted me about a Six Sigma voice of the customer (VOC) study or research project, they have usually spent at least a fair amount of time […]
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Strategies for Surveying Employees
Published:Most mid to large companies or organizations can at one point or another, benefit from surveying their employees for the primary purpose of gauging morale. A survey may be needed for a number of reasons, including changes in employee behavior such as high absenteeism or a reduction in output; before or after major adjustments in […]
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Choosing the Best Method for Listening to the Customer
Published:Once you decide what you want to know, from whom you want to know it, and what you will do with the data, you must carefully consider what method is best suited for gathering customer information for your Six Sigma project. Among the factors to consider when deciding on a research method are the length […]
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