Process Owners: The Unsung Heroes of Improvement
Updated:Look around a company that has been using Lean Six Sigma for awhile. Listen to the kinds of stories that circulate. Which people are mentioned the most? Likely it is the Black Belt who led a project that saved a million dollars or created a whole new market for a product. Or the Master Black […]
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Manager’s Guide: Fostering Success with Lean Six Sigma
Published:Managers must create and foster an environment that sets the stage for employee success. Six essential factors can guide managers toward a thriving Lean Six Sigma program.
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Five Big Levers for Long-Term Success of Lean Six Sigma
Published:Many factors can play a role in corporate initiatives that succeed over the long haul and those that fail. But, five factors appear to have the biggest leverage in determining whether a company can achieve long-term success with Lean Six Sigma.
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Using Triage to Manage Process Workloads in Services
Published:It is something everyone has experienced: Walking into a bank and finding we’re the sixth person in line. Having a computer go down and discovering that it will take hours or days before someone can come to fix it. Getting an urgent request and having to set aside the 10 other things we were supposed […]
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Using Triage to Manage Process Workloads in Services
Published:It is something we have all experienced: Walking into a bank and finding we are the sixth person in line. Having a computer go down and discovering that it will take hours or days before someone can come to fix it. Getting an urgent request and having to set aside the 10 other things we […]
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Reducing Delays in Service Processes with Rapid Setup
Published:A P&L manager who is preparing a monthly report starts gathering the information he needs. He realizes that this month’s sales figures are not broken out by region, so he calls accounting and asks for the regional split as quickly as possible. He also discovers that he has updates on only three of the four […]
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