Randomization: Key to Reducing Bias and Increasing Accuracy


Not all experiments are created equal. Learn how randomization can improve the validity of any business’ experiments aligned with Six Sigma principles. Randomization in Six Sigma Business owners and managers want to know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to existing processes and methods of operation. Running experiments and assigning inputs and outputs […]

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How to Track and Improve Customer Expectations Using Result Measurables


Measurables indicate how a process is performing or how customer expectations are being met. These indicators are quantifiable, expressed numerically, and can have units of measurement. There are two kinds of these indicators. They are process measurables and result measurables. It is important in any business to know if you are meeting the expectations of […]

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In discussions about the Six Sigma methodology, you will often find the equation Y=F(x). It is an important formula in working with the methodology and can serve as a very helpful tool in project management. When working with the Y=f(x) formula, X stands for the various inputs utilized to generate an outcome, while f represents […]

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When you are part of an organization that is working towards goals, you are part of a team. A team moving toward hitting milestones can sometimes need to generate excitement and motivation while inching toward the goal line. This is why we have acronyms like TEAM. An acronym like TEAM can be used by team […]

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Tukey’s (1-way ANOVA)


ANOVA will tell you whether there is a statistically significant difference in the population means of three or more groups of data. But which means are different? Tukey’s will tell you that. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is used to determine whether the population means of several sample data sets are statistically different or not. If […]

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How Simple Linear Regression Helps Make Sense of Data


What is the point of having a bunch of raw data if you don’t have the tools to analyze it? Regression models provide you with the ability to see if there is a relationship between two types of variables, helping make some sense of data that has been collected by fitting it to a line. […]

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Determining Total Cost of Quality Can Improve Your Business Processes


You are probably familiar with the notion that there are costs of poor quality, often shown as COPQ. These represent both internal and external failures to maintain good quality. There are also costs associated with maintaining good quality sometimes represented as COGQ. These costs represent appraisal and prevention costs. Total Cost of Quality (TCOQ) is […]

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Mastering the Basics: The Fundamentals of Statistics and Inference


Statistics is a branch of math that involves the collection, description, analysis, and inference of conclusions from quantitative data. But what is a statistic? Let’s find out. The word statistic is a word with numerous possible definitions. In its simplest form, a statistic can be defined as a descriptor of a set of data. The […]

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What is the Bartlett Test and How is it Used in Statistical Analysis


The Bartlett Test is named after the English statistician, Maurice Stevenson Bartlett. The test is also known as the Bartlett’s test for homogeneity of variances. It is most used in the context of doing a 1-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). ANOVA is used to determine whether there is any statistical difference between the means of […]

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Blended Learning


What are you blending when you speak about blended learning? You are combining face to face classroom learning with an instructor and online or computer driven learning. Let’s learn a little more about this concept of learning. In the 1960’s, technology-based training emerged as an alternative to instructor-led training. One of the major advantages of […]

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When an organization attempts to implement a Six Sigma deployment, somebody needs to be selected to lead and manage it. Champions are upper-level managers who lead the execution of the Six Sigma deployment plans for the organization. That makes it one of the most critical roles in the eventual success of your Lean Six Sigma […]

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What are Transformations? A Complete Guide


Many statistical tools have an assumption of normality. Is there an option if my data is not normal? Transforming your data might help. Some statistical methods, such as hypothesis testing, have an underlying assumption of normality of your data before they can be used. Although control charts are generally robust to normality issues, sometimes the […]

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The term levels is used in the context of Design of Experiments (DOE) and refers to the different settings you can use for running your experiments. Let’s look at this in a little more detail. The purpose of doing a Design of Experiments (DOE) is to identify what variables or factors have a causal effect […]

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It is often not possible or practical to collect all the data from your process. It can be too costly or take too much time. It may not be possible to access all the data. If this situation exists in your process, then you will need to sample your data. Overview: What is sampling?  There […]

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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Mastering Binomial Distribution


A binomial distribution can be described as the probability of a binary outcome in an activity that is repeated multiple times. It is a distribution of discrete data rather than continuous data. For example, a coin toss has only two possible discrete outcomes: heads or tails. Inspecting and testing a manufactured part can have two […]

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Make Informed Decisions with Quantitative Data


There are two broad categories of data in statistics: quantitative data and categorical data. Quantitative data is something you measure or count while categorical data presents data in categories or groups rather than the actual values themselves.  Overview: What is quantitative data?  Quantitative data describe values and numbers which are measured or counted and can […]

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What You Need to Know About ISO 9000 Series of Standards


ISO 9000 is a series of standards, developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It defines, establishes, and maintains an effective quality management system for manufacturing and service industries. Overview: What is the ISO 9000 series?  ISO 9000 is a series of individual standards. The core standards contained within the series are: […]

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The Dos and Don’ts of Conducting Root Cause Analysis


In the context of Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement, a root cause is defined as an issue or factor that causes a nonconformance or defect which, if eliminated, will improve the process. The root cause is the base issue which sets a cause-and-effect reaction in motion eventually resulting in a problem. Overview: What is root […]

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Quality Management


The strategy of continuously improving your organizational processes by setting your goals, identifying deviations from those goals, and then taking appropriate actions to adjust your processes to close the gaps.

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Quality Procrastination


Delaying quality improvement measures until the very end of a process.

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Six Sigma without variables is like a recipe without ingredients. Understanding how variables align with Six Sigma is paramount to the success of any business. Learn how variables can highlight your process’ capabilities and limitations. What are Variables in Six Sigma? Variables are essential to Six Sigma. By measuring, analyzing, and controlling the variables that […]

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The degree of impact that measurable changes in input variables have on the output.

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Randomly select factors, measurements, or variables to eliminate the effects of bias or chance.

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Queuing Theory


Queuing theory is the mathematical study of waiting in line.

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