Recommitment to Six Sigma Achieves Maximum Results


Honeywell was a company that had been utilizing the Six Sigma methodology for years. Distracted by a merger and other factors, however, the organization had begun to slip. With a revitalized stake in the Six Sigma process, the organization was able to turn itself around and become even stronger than before. DMAIC and Y=f(x) Helped […]

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Successful Reinvention Focused on Customers and Quality


In 2008, Starbucks was taking a major hit from the financial crisis, losing customers to competitors, and having to close hundreds of stores. Despite having its back against the wall, some decisions made around key Six Sigma principles helped Starbucks bounce back better than ever. How Giving Quality and a Better Experience To Employees and […]

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How to Incorporate SS Process Reports into Your Quality Processes


The Six Sigma process report is a Minitab tool that calculates process capability and provides visuals of process performance.

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Hyper Micro Process Map


Sometimes you have to break something down into the smallest possible pieces before you can make it right. Process mapping is one of the first major steps when adopting six sigma, so it’s something business leaders should learn to love. Depicting workflow and processes in a visual format sets the stage for defining, understanding and […]

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Null vs. Alternative Hypothesis: What’s the Difference?


What is Null Hypothesis? Statistical information without context or contrast is meaningless. Anyone looking at a data set can find connections and discover patterns, but they’ll probably end up drawing all kinds of wrong conclusions. That’s why statisticians have to examine the data from two different perspectives and always consider how the information they are […]

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PDCA vs. DMAIC: What’s the Difference?


What is PDCA? Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) is a cyclical method for achieving continual improvement of an organization or process. In the first stage, companies must clearly identify and define a specific problem. The “Do” step is about taking a small, controlled action with a limited release, pilot project or other sampling technique. Stage […]

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How D-MAGICS is Improving the DMAIC Framework


D-MAGICS is a sub-methodology within Lean Six Sigma for improving processes. It aims to make the DMAIC tool easier to successfully execute by emphasizing the importance of grasping the existence of the problems and realistically sustaining the corrections.

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Opportunities: A Gateway to Enhancing Process Efficiency and Quality


There are some common everyday terms that can mean one thing, but that can be a bit more nuanced when it comes to Six Sigma. One of these terms is “opportunity”. Read on to find out what it means when it comes to Six Sigma.

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The People Side of the Control Phase

3 Lessons for Sustaining Changes in the Control Phase


You’ve involved the appropriate stakeholders in the work, done robust voice of the customer work and data analysis, dug into root causes, and developed and piloted a number of promising solutions to the problem. But your efforts haven’t been sustained. Here are three reasons why.

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The 10 Questions of DMAIC

The 10 Questions of DMAIC


Use these 10 questions when teaching DMAIC. Learn when and where some commonly used Six Sigma tools do – or don’t – apply; align the tools to the underlying question as part of this coaching task.

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Medical equipment in an exhibition hall

Using DMAIC to Improve Another Improvement Process – CAPA


Medical device companies must comply with FDA requirements to address quality issues through a complex and sometimes inefficient process called CAPA. One such company applied Six Sigma to the CAPA process to significantly reduce rework loops, reduce cycle time and reduce time to resolve rejections.

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Tips for Efficient Process Mapping


A process map is a hierarchical method for displaying processes that illustrates how a product or transaction is processed. It is a visual representation of the workflow either within a process — or an image of the whole operation. Process mapping comprises a stream of activities that transforms a well-defined input or set of inputs into a pre-defined set of outputs.

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DMAIC: The Five Steps to Process Improvement Success


DMAIC is a data-driven process-improvement methodology. Let’s look at how DMAIC compares to other problem-solving processes as well as the benefits of using DMAIC when solving a complex problem.

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Fayetteville North Carolina

From Chaos to Order: Reinvigorating a City’s Finance Department


The City of Fayetteville, North Carolina, faced a staffing crisis in its Finance department. Thanks to a DMAIC project, in just 14 weeks the City was able to turn the department’s chaos around.

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Mastering Process Improvement through Y=f(x) Methodology


Y=f(x) is a concept regarding the setup of a formula used to perform analysis during problem-solving efforts. Let’s look at how Y=F(x) works within the problem-solving process, the benefits of Y=F(x), as well as some frequently asked questions.

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Understanding Six Sigma: Definition, Benefits, and Best Practices


Six Sigma has been defined in three ways: as a metric, a methodology, and a philosophy. Sigma can be defined as the standard deviation of a set of continuous data, so Six Sigma would then be six standard deviations.

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Procedures: The Key to Consistency in Business


There are all kinds of procedures for the many things that people do every single day. Every family household has procedures for basic tasks like putting dishes away, assembling for dinner or getting into the car. Likewise, every place of business has procedures for the essential activities they do on a regular basis. Overview: What […]

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Step-by-Step Guide to Project Selection


The purpose of Lean Six Sigma is to identify opportunities for improving organizational processes. One of the challenges is the selection of projects for improvement teams to work on. Let’s learn more about how to select impactful projects. Both Lean and Six Sigma projects are used to improve organizational processes. Improvement teams are formed. DMAIC […]

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A Comprehensive Guide to Input-Process-Output Models


Creating and mapping business process models can sound like a daunting task with little tangible value. With input-process-output models, we debunk these myths and introduce a versatile, straightforward methodology that can be used to transform your business.

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Insights from COPIS for Improved Efficiency


What does your process look like from 30,000 feet? Your extended process view can be described using COPIS, or customer, output, process, input, and supplier. Let’s get in our balloon and go up. 

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Achieving Quality Through Continuous Improvement


Competition for products and services is cutthroat, and survival should not be taken for granted. Implementing continuous improvement into your organisation and embedding it into your business culture keeps you one step ahead of the pack, locking in both customer and employee loyalty.

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Control Measures: Maintaining the Gains of Process Improvement


When you make improvements to your processes, that is not enough. It is important to put measures in place that ensure that the work that has been done can be sustained.In the DMAIC process, your problem is defined, measurements are taken, analysis occurs, and improvements are made. After all of this, comes the final control […]

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Understanding Brainstorming: A Structured Approach to Idea Generation


During the Six Sigma Improvement Stage of DMAIC, you will need to develop strategies and ideas for improving your process. There are three steps to coming up with viable improvement solutions. These steps are idea generation, organization, and assessment.  Brainstorming can be defined as a structured method of generating unconstrained ideas/ solutions and gaining engagement/involvement […]

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How Do Organizations Sustain Improvements? Control!


Lean Six Sigma (LSS) can have a major positive impact on organizations that apply it; however, not every company has achieved the desired results. One of the reasons for that lack of success is the inability to sustain improvements yielded from LSS projects. Through LSS projects the aim is to make improvements to address a […]

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