How Six Sigma Can Fix Common Marketing Shortfalls


A Six Sigma approach to marketing may be the missing piece in the marketing accountability movement. By selecting a target audience and positioning their messages to those people, marketers can become more effective while saving on cost.

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Lean Six Sigma Solves Inventory Cost Problem


Many scale production enterprises face high inventory costs as the current worldwide financial crisis has led to a significant production volume drop. This problem of high inventory cost of key materials can be approached with Lean and Six Sigma.

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Maximizing Success When Implementing a Basic 5S Program


Practitioners should reach a strong understanding of the original Japanese 5S method so they will be able to educate others about it in a way that will garner employee buy-in and achieve the best results in helping their firm become more organized.

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Guide to Process Mapping

Practical Guide to Creating Better Looking Process Maps


Process mapping is one of the basic quality or process improvement tools used in Lean Six Sigma. It has acquired more importance in recent times, given the complexities of processes and the need to capture and visualize knowledge that resides with the people who perform the task. Often process mapping is looked at as an […]

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Six Sigma Corporate Recruiting Now Offered by iSixSigma


Six Sigma Corporate Recruiting Now Offered by iSixSigma

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Improving Project Cycle Times Requires Right Variables


In the Six Sigma methodology, the equation Y = f(x) shows that the output (Y) is dependent on several variables (x). The same can be said about cycle times for process improvement projects. The correct variables mean improved project cycle times.

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Launch of iSixSigma Conferences and iSixSigma Magazine


Launch of iSixSigma Conferences and iSixSigma Magazine

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Applying Lean Six Sigma Tools to an Internal Audit


An internal audit by a team using Lean Six Sigma tools solved the mystery of what happened to about $1 million of a liquid chemical “misplaced” at a global chemical company. Case study shows how the team used a Kaizen event and DMAIC methodology.

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Going from Good to Great at L.A.'s Good Samaritan


With a fundamental drive to excel in place, the management and staff of Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles have taken this quest to a higher level during the last few years through the application of Six Sigma, Lean and change management techniques.

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A Six Sigma Meter: Measure the Success of the Journey


Failed Six Sigma efforts usually lack management commitment and attention to the investments needed to reach new levels of performance. But practical steps can be taken to maintain the focus and drive needed to reap the benefits of Six Sigma.

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At the Customer, For the Customer (ACFC)Taking Six Sigma Outside the Company – to the Customer


Some companies are taking Six Sigma tools and methodologies outside their regular operations and finding ways to apply them directly to their customers’ needs. It is proving to be a great sales tool that keeps them ahead of marketplace competitors.

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Introducing New Employees to Concepts of Six Sigma


A brief, well-organized presentation can be an effective method to introduce new employees to the concepts of Six Sigma, and at the same time stimulate interest and future participation in Six Sigma projects.

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iSixSigma Description on ISSSP Website


iSixSigma Description on ISSSP Website

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Six Sigma in Preparation for CRM: A European Case Study


When a $1 billion European business pondered the need for a multi-million dollar CRM system and if its sales force would really use the system, an executive put the company on the right course by suggesting Six Sigma could help find the answers.

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Fueling Business Growth with Lean Six Sigma and ACFC


The objective of Lean Six Sigma is not reducing headcount, it is – among other things – increasing the opportunity for growth. And one of those growth opportunities can be found in General Electric’s “At the Customer, For the Customer” idea.

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Six Sigma Project SelectionHow Organizations Choose the Most Important Projects


Six Sigma Project Selection – How Organizations Choose the Most Important Six Sigma Projects.

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Sponsorship and Chartering Are Keys to Project Success


Strong sponsorship and chartering are key components for a successful Six Sigma project. Regardless of the Green Belt’s or Black Belt’s skills, there is a limited chance for project success unless these components are well conceived.

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Who's Who Prize Drawing


Who’s Who Prize Drawing

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Information Technology and Six SigmaExclusive iSixSigma Magazine Research


Information Technology and Six Sigma – Exclusive iSixSigma Magazine Research

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Six Sigma Approach Dictates Program Success or Failure


How can some organizations experience so much success in implementing a Six Sigma continuous improvement program while others fail to fully achieve the desired results? The answer lies in their approach to the program.

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Large-Scale Six Sigma Initiative Improves Patient Care


A large-scale performance improvement initiative based on Six Sigma and change management improves the quality of patient care, raising satisfaction and increasing efficiency across the continuum of care.

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Lean Event Starts with Videotaping, Ends with Savings


The Lean event started with videotaping a press wash-up process to establish a baseline. After studying the tape, the team tried out new processes to reduce the wash-up time. After some refinements, time was cut 55% and savings was $150,000 a year.

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Over-stressed Deployment Black Belts Not Uncommon


Most companies do a good job of selecting Black Belts candidates, however, many overlook psychological aspects of candidates. This factor is important because deployment Black Belts, in particular, have an unusual amount of stress put on them.

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Medical Center Transforms Its Emergency Department


When Berkshire Medical Center found its emergency services stretched thin and the community began feeling the impact, the hospital decided to launch a Lean Six Sigma initiative and implement a series of innovative solutions.

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