The Sigma Conversion Table Displays Yields That Don’t Match My Understanding of USL/LSL for the Process. Could You Please Explain Why There Is a Discrepancy?


To facilitate an answer to your question, consider the following table. The first column is the given measure of process capability (provided in the form of Z).  The second column is the corresponding short-term yield of the first column (based on a one-sided specification). Of course, the third column is the associated long-term yield, also predicated on […]

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What is the difference between SPC and SQC?


There is little difference between Statistical Quality Control (SQC) and Statistical Process Control (SPC).  At one time, there might have been some philosophical separation, but today, they exist as general synonyms.  Some prefer SQC because the idea of “quality” is larger and more encompassing than that of “process.”  Others counter this by pointing out that […]

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How do you determine the Xs in the analyze phase of DMAIC?


Establishing the initial list of potential causes is often more art than science.  Unfortunately, the brainstorming process is still one of the best ways to surface candidate variables.  However, there are several other alternatives: 1)   Query process experts. 2)   Benchmark similar processes. 3)   Review the literature. 4)   Perform an Internet search. 5)   Conduct correlation study. […]

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How do you apply Six Sigma in a small factory?


Same as a big factory, but in a small way.

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Can you explain "degrees of freedom" and provide an example?


To facilitate an answer, we will consider three examples.  First, consider the game of baseball.  We understand the field-of-play consists of 9 positions.  The coach is “free” to assign any of the 9 players to any of the 9 positions. Once the 8th player is assigned to the 8th position, the 9th player-position is pre-determined, […]

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Can you suggest a specific quantifiable problem in Robust design and/or Six Sigma for PhD studies?


Suppose we consider a specific bilateral critical-to-quality characteristic (CTQ).  In other words, we are in view of a key design feature that sports a two-sided performance specification.  If a bilateral design margin of “Y percent” was to be imposed on the given CTQ (during the course of product configuration), we indirectly and necessarily infer the […]

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Can you explain "degrees of freedom" in the context of a Six Sigma tool, such as a DOE?


Let us suppose we are interested in testing the influence of a certain independent variable (say, A) as it relates to a given dependent variable (say, Y).  We will suppose the experimental factor (variable A) is to be tested at two competing settings (test levels).  In this scenario, the two levels will be called “high” […]

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What is the relationship between Six Sigma and the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for software development?


Based on the nature of your question, I would assume you are referencing the “Capability Maturity Model Integration” system and “Capability Maturity Model”, or CMMI and CMM, respectively.  My understanding is that CMM is a generalized model for judging or otherwise assessing the maturity of software processes.  In addition, it is a means for identifying […]

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What is the relationship between Six Sigma and Management Information Systems (MIS)?


At the onset of this discussion, it is vital that we establish the basic nature and character of a “Management Information System.”  According to G. Davis and M. Olson in the publication “Management Information Systems” (1984, p. 5-6):  “There is no consensus of the definition of the term ‘management information system’…” In fact, these highly […]

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How can Six Sigma be applied in an organization that designs, manufactures, assembles and presure tests oil drilling equipment?


You apply Six Sigma in the same way as any other business enterprise.  In general, this means you must implement Six Sigma on a project-by-project basis.  Generically speaking, Y=f(X) and the only thing that changes from situation-to-situation is the variable labels, transfer function, rate of replication, cost-per-transaction,  and faces of the players.  Other than that,  […]

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What are the roles of the director, champions, and MBBs in order to ensure Six Sigma deployment sucess?


As many corporations have experienced and attested, Six Sigma is a dynamic and evolutionary initiative that can produce phenomenal change in business performance.  However, the process of change must be carefully designed, managed and governed if it is to realize its aim.  Such factors as business goal setting, global deployment planning, black belt project selection […]

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How can Six Sigma failure be avoided when dealing with company cultural issues?


Today, many business leaders would agree that the “culture of an organization” is not a fixed quantity or preordained destiny.  Rather, it results from the unique blending of values (at the business, operations, process, and individual stratums).  In this context, the idea of a “value” is akin to that of a belief or truth.  For […]

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If a company is looking for a proven tool to elevate its performance to the next level, which would you recommend?


With respect to your question, my thinking may appear to be somewhat out-of-context. Nonetheless, it is my opinion that the premier tool, to be held in revere above of all others, is leadership. Tools such as Six Sigma, Lean, TQM, ISO, and all the rest are merely “enablers” of leadership. Not the other way around, […]

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Is there any difference in DMAIC between manufacturing and service companies? What about in different functions in the internal organization?


As we consider the DMAIC process, it is important to bear in mind the fundamental principle of determinism: Y = f (X).  Of course, Y is the outcome variable and X is the many variables that induce Y to exist.  For any given problem-solving situation, we are behooved to recognize how DMAIC relates to Y […]

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Why Is 1.5 Subtracted From the Short-term Estimate of Capability ( to Get the Long-term Estimate of Capability (


The capability of a process has two distinct but interrelated dimensions. First, there is short-term capability, or simply Second, we have the dimension long-term capability, or just Finally, we note the contrast Z.shift = – By rearrangement, we assuredly recognize that = + Z.shift and = – Z.shift. So as to better […]

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Is it Possible to Determine a Corporate-wide Sigma Level? How Can the Sigma Level be Calculated?


So as to establish a corporate-level sigma value (per se), it is generally advisable to follow an established analytical model. Of course, any such model must be conducive to the hierarchical aggregation (pooling) of capability information and data. Generally speaking, the more common approaches for realizing this aim are inclusive of, but not limited to: 1) the […]

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How can I determine if Six Sigma will work in my organization?


Determining if some initiative can “fit” an organization is much like buying a pair of shoes – you can know the exact size of each foot, but sooner or later, you must put the shoes on and walk around a little.  There is no substitute for experience. Six Sigma is an idea-centric, tool-based, fact-driven, top-down, […]

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Is there a difference between Six Sigma and "robust design"?


Where the engineering of quality is concerned, Dr. G. Taguchi popularized the idea of “robustness” in the mid 80’s.  As one might suspect, the underlying definition of this term is fairly simple – per the dictionary, it is the ability to recover from unexpected [and expected] conditions during operation.   In this sense, the idea of […]

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Is 7 Sigma Possible?


Don’t know, never been there – I’m still striving for 5-sigma (at least on a personal level). Given where the world is right now, many followers of Six Sigma (including myself) would say that a capability of 7-sigma is pessimistically possible, but not pragmatically probable. Maybe when I hit a 5-sigma level of capability, I can […]

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Do you know how many of the Forbes 100 ranked companies use Six Sigma?


On the general discussion forum of this website (, you will find a “thread” that provides a foundational answer to your question.  The built-in search engine should help you with this task.

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Can you please explain "acceptance sampling"?


Arguably, acceptance sampling is an effective and efficient means to ensure the proper surveillance of product and service quality.  Using this approach, a random sample (of product or service) is inspected or tested to determine if the observed level of quality is acceptable or unacceptable.  If the sample supports the hypotheses of unacceptability, then certain […]

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How Do I Determine Defects Per Million (DPM) for Sigma Values Greater Than 6 (3.4 DPM)?


Once is a great while, there is a need to estimate or otherwise approximate the tail probability of an extreme standard normal deviate – such as Z = 7, Z = 10, or even higher.  For example, certain types of reliability problems rely on such assessments. But as many already know, most published tables of […]

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How Is the Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO) to Sigma Level and Yield Conversion Chart Determined?


We must understand the sigma of a process is merely an equivalent unilateral figure-of-merit. As such, it is always regarded (and reported) as a short-term measure of capability. The metric can be directly computed when continuous data is at hand, or it can be statistically synthesized from discrete data. In the latter context, a reported sigma is only […]

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How can I implement Six Sigma in my company if I only have a basic understanding of Six Sigma?


Asking for the optimal way to sell an organization on the merits of Six Sigma is much like asking how two people how they can best develop “love and admiration” for each other.  Your intent and focus is laudable, but your personal “brochure” is most likely “a little on the light side,” especially when given […]

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How can Six Sigma be used to improve “market forcasting,” which is essential for business planning?


Where the idea of “process improvement” is concerned, it is now well understood that Six Sigma can play a most decisive role.  Specifically, it can serve to significantly improve the process of market forecasting. For example, consider the instance where an organization attempts to deploy a certain type of ARIMA model from which to forecast […]

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How do you suggest I process map a process like "deliver enhanced value to the customer"?


Please recognize that the “art and science” of process mapping is quite generic by nature.  You should apply the mapping tools, techniques, and procedures in the given situation just as you would in any other type of situation.  Granted, the variable labels will change – but that’s about it.  Simply stated, you must define what […]

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Is there any experience with improving the adhesion of water based paint (spray system) on metal surfaces?


Thanks to modern technology, we have before us a virtual mountain of information.  On the Internet, we can find many case studies on the subject of DOE (design-of-experiments).  For a wide area success stories and general discussion, you may want to visit the following websites: 1) In addition to these sources, […]

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Would a lead-time reduction project for an order fulfillment process be considered a Six Sigma project or a lean project?


This is much like asking if you have ever been caught in a lie.  No matter how you answer, the resulting conclusion will certainly not enhance your reputation – but will most assuredly harm it (perhaps even more so than currently exists).  If you were to contend that your project should be garbed in the […]

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How can defense products be designed with Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), and can you provide an example?


Generally speaking, we use DFSS to close value-based gaps during the design phase of a product, service, business deal, or just about anything that adds value. Of course, this is accomplished in such a way that another gap is not propagated somewhere else in time and space.  In other words, we leverage the ideas and […]

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Can we say Six Sigma is a culture? How can we spread the word at the grass-roots level?


To begin, we must consider the idea of “organizational culture.” In the book “Organizational Behavior” by Robert Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki, the culture of an organization is defined as: “The set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments.” Based […]

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I Am Developing a Scorecard for a Project Level Sigma Score. How Do You Suggest a Scorecard Be Developed to Determine a Sigma Value for the Whole Project?


Creating a process scorecard is not an easy or straightforward task. It becomes even more difficult when the scorecard is comprised of continuous and discrete performance metrics, each having a unique level of complexity (defect opportunity space). Even more perplexing is when some of the baseline metrics are short-term in nature while others are inherently […]

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Six Sigma in Education

Six Sigma in Education


In education, Six Sigma pertains to improving the quality of matter taught, the character generated of the pupils, and the quality of study and school life. It is a system by which principals and teachers can instill process excellence across the entire organization.

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Defining Six Sigma For Your Business Or Organization


What is Six Sigma? Why do we need Six Sigma? Explaining Six Sigma is no easy task, but as a Quality professional we are expected to clearly articulate the benefits and necessity. If you can’t, you risk losing believers within your business. Use this simple 3 step explanation to help guarantee your success.

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Value Stream Mapping Definition


Value stream mapping is a lean manufacturing or lean enterprise technique used to document, analyze and improve the flow of information or materials required to produce a product or service for a customer. Full definition.

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